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New shimmy Emote Topup Event Free Fire

Hey Survivors, welcome here to another exciting free fire news india. As we all know that Free Fire’s New OB-update has come with some exciting updates and other bug fixes…

New Gold Royale Imperial Guard and New Diamond Royale Duchess Butterfly

Hey survivors, welcome you all to the indian free fire news website of indian server. We already know which will be the next two skins to arrive at the Lucky Royale after…

Warning: STOP Playing FREE FIRE Or You Will Be Banned

  It was confirmed that the oil barrel has nothing to do with the hack . That is, you can still be banned in any mode if you fall with someone you are using, so…

New WOLFRAHH Character Free In Free Fire

Hey Survivors, Greetings again in the free fire news website of indian region/ server. as you all know that 2 may will be a new OB-22 Update patch day, and…

BeachParty Event, Share 150k Times To Unlock Free Falco

Hey Survivors, you are here at India’s best free fire news website of Indian server. As you all have got this news that free fire is now going to organised…

New Character Detective Clu And WOLFRAHH

New Character – Clu: Clu is a detective, and her “Delivering Gold” skill has the function of finding out the position of opponents who are not squatting or lying down. From…

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