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3 Free Fire MAX items that will be easy to win in the new NeXTerra map

If you want to win in Nexterra Map, then let us tell you about some of the best items, through which you can easily win.

Gamers who play Free Fire MAX have got a new gift these days. This gift is from the new map. Garena has gifted a new map to its gamers. The name of this new map is NeXTerra.

The locations, drop points and landing spots of this map are quite spectacular. In this, many places have also been given for loot. Apart from this, users will also find buildings spread over many large and large areas in this map.

By using these buildings, gamers can not only kill the enemies by avoiding them, but also survive till the end. Now in such a situation, if you have not used this new map yet, then let us tell you about some such items, with the help of which you will be able to win easily in this new map of Free Fire Max.

Free Fire MAX Assault Rifles

M14: Free Fire MAX’s M14 Assault Rifle has the most damage in the game. It supports 43 fire rate with 75 damage. It has a range of 83, which is the highest among AR guns in the game. The reload speed of this gun is 52, accuracy is 57 and magazine is 24.

Free Fire MAX Character

Homer: A new character Homer has recently been added to Free Fire MAX. The character’s design is quite different and part of its backstory is inspired by the Marvel superhero Daredevil. This is a 30 year old assistant who can’t see.

It wants to find out many things, including the strange disease that blinded it in childhood; There is that strange research institute that this school used to call and the rare earth mineral that is associated with all this. Homer is the founder of a tech gang. Its special ability is named Senses Shockwave.

Free Fire MAX Pet

Finn: This pet is the newest pet to be included in Free Fire MAX after the OB34 Update. Its mouth is like a fish. Its capability is named Dash Splash, which increases the movement speed of users within a radius of 20 meters within the radius of the elimination spot. While at the lowest level, the effect lasts just two seconds with a CD of 120 seconds (cooldown), at the maximum level, this stomach skill activates for five seconds with a CD of 90 seconds.

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