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Free Fire Treasure Chest and Combat Journalist skin

New edition of the Free Fire Treasure Chest event will be released in October.

Next week Garena will bring new skins to the Brazilian server , such as the package called “ Combat Journalist ”, customization will be available in the Free Fire Treasure Chest event , this Friday, September 30, 2022 we will detail the information available about it .

The Free Fire Treasure Chest event with the “ Combat Journalist skin ”skin pack will be released next Wednesday, October 5, 2022 , more precisely after 12:00 PM (Indian time). Also, the gloo wall named as “ Battle Investigators ” is part of the main rewards, check out the items in the video below.

Bundle Video by @Freefireclub

How the event works –

You can use the normal try or the special try to get prizes in this event, and you guarantee the grand prize with 8 normal tries or 3 special tries.

The normal attempt starts with 9 diamonds and will guarantee one of the items, the price will increase with the number of attempts. The special attempt starts with 199 diamonds and will grant you one of the 3 items in the first row.

If you get the first-row prize for the normal attempt, the value of the next special attempt will increase. If you get 1 first-row prize for the special attempt, the value of the next normal attempt will increase.

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