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Free Fire V Badge – How to join Partner Program

Garena has managed to create a massive playerbase for Free Fire and its MAX version by making consistent optimizations to the titles over time. Apart from working on the gameplay, the developers have also ensured that FF/FF MAX content creators get all the support they need.

The Partner Program for Free Fire or its MAX variant provides several real-life as well as in-game benefits to content creators, along with a V Badge. However, they are required to apply for the program and meet a set of eligibility criteria involving subscribers, views, and more.

V Badge is one of the rarest entities to claim in the game because it is meant only for select users, content creators, and one can acquire it exclusively through Garena’s Partner Program.

The Partner Program eligibility criteria to acquire V Badge in Free Fire MAX

It is almost impossible for casual gamers to acquire V Badge in Free Fire MAX because its most basic requirement is content creation. Moreover, if players are FF/FF MAX content creators, they must meet specific eligibility criteria to claim the Partner Program perks.

Here are the points before applying for the Free Fire Partner Program

Candidates should own a YouTube channel with over 100K subscribers,
80% of the total content uploaded in the last 30 days must be relevant to FF titles
The channel must have received a minimum of 300K views in total in the last 30 days,
The creator must also actively push quality content on social media platforms
Content must be clean, non-offensive, and engaging,
The candidate should be professional and hard-working,
Passion for gaming is a must

Step 1: First, you need to go to the official partner program website.

Step 2: You will spot the “Apply Now” option on the landing page. Click on it to proceed.

Step 3: You will be directed to a Google form asking you for certain details, which are given below:

Your name (as in Govt. ID)
Phone number
Channel name
Channel link
Subscriber count
ID (Aadhar, PAN)
Fill out the form with the relevant valid details and hit the submit button.

Step 4: After submitting, wait patiently for a response from Garena’s team.

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