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Get New Easter Bundle in Free Fire

Exciting news for gamers on the Indian server as Garena is all set to release Easter-themed bundles this week! which includes new ‘Bunny’ skins. More details about the event will be provided in this article.

Get ready for an epic event on March 31, 2024 – the Token Royale! This event will unveil two brand new ‘Bunny’ skins that will blow your mind: the futuristic ‘Cyborg Bunny’ and the fiery ‘Scorched Bunny’. Don’t miss out on the chance to be the first to get your hands on these amazing skins!

Token Royale contains new Free Fire skins, random prizes or tokens that can be exchanged for new bundles. Each attempt at the event will cost diamonds, where users will be able to unlock the main skins or tokens. It is worth remembering that the tokens collected at the event have an expiration date.

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