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Get WhatsApp verification mark | New Meta update

The green tick is now past. According to a report by a trusted source, channels that have been verified on WhatsApp are given a green checkmark to confirm that they are genuine. This time WhatsApp appears with a different kind of checkmark. Like other platforms of the Meta family, WhatsApp may now have Blue Tick.

From now on there will be a blue checkmark instead of a green checkmark. Verified businesses will also have this special checkmark. Mark Zuckerberg recently shared a special topic about it. According to him, having this verification badge will provide multiple benefits. Necessary technical facilities will be available. However, there is no detailed information about it yet. But roughly it is understood that this time blue tick will be added in place of a green tick as a verification badge.

According to the report, Facebook and Instagram use blue ticks as a sign of verification. But this time Meta is providing a similar update in WhatsApp. All the verification badges in Meta are the same colour ticks. It is reported that this blue badge will be added to verified channels and businesses. It is expected to be available in the new update of WhatsApp very soon.

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