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How to download Free Fire Advance Server OB40

In the next few days, Garena will launch the new version of the Free Fire Advanced Server. The Advance Server contains the news of the Free Fire OB40 update, among them the new character Sônia, awakening of Alok and more. Today, May 20, 2023 we will detail how download and install Free Fire Advanced version 66.32.0.

The download of the Free Fire Advanced Server is scheduled to take place this Monday, May 22, 2023 after 12:00 am IST (Indian time), it is worth remembering that the registration of the Advance Server started today (May 20).

Download Free Fire Advanced Server May 2023

Advance FF download link:

APK version: FFadv_66.32.0_IN.apk

Release: May 22, 2023

Size: 900MB

Access the above link to download the Advanced Server. Log in with the same data as your game account using Facebook or Google. Then click on the green “Download APK” button to download it.

Free Fire Advanced Server News

New character Sonia, New features: Awakening of Alok, Clash Squad with 2 skills, Lobby improvements and more.

Installed Free Fire Advanced Server May 2023

After downloading the Free Fire Advance Server APK, users must locate the file on their phone then proceed with all the steps until the installation is completed, which will occur automatically.

After installing Free Fire Advance, open the APK and click on the guest / facebook / gmail button. Next, choose your Free Fire level to proceed: veteran, intermediate or novice. A new account will be created automatically, to finish click on “let’s start” (the user can edit his nickname if he wants). To complete the whole procedure enter the activation code.

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