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How to get Free Fire Forest Druid Bundle

Garena usually launches or brings back Free Fire bundles to the Indian server on a weekly basis, next weekend the package called Forest Druid should return to the game. Today, May 4, 2023, we will detail the information about the release date, event and more.

The Forest Druid bundle should return at the Free Fire Hot Codes event next Saturday, May 6, 2023, more precisely after 08:30 am IST (Indian time), if there are no changes. The Forest Druid skin was first released on Free Fire in May 2022, at the Praça de Food Truck event .The customization is exclusive to male characters.

How the event works

When accessing the event, it is possible to choose an option to try to get special rewards. There are two options: 1 attempt for 9 diamonds and 10 attempts for 79 diamonds (based on previous edition). Remember that there will be a discount of up to 60% for 2 single attempts and 1 multiple attempt. Each attempt entitles you to a random reward from the Rewards List. Tap the “Rewards List” button to check the available rewards.

From 35 attempts, it is possible to receive a guaranteed prize. After collecting the Super Reward, it will be possible to unlock Heatwaves according to the number of attempts made to get discounts for a period of time. Please note: all rewards will be sent directly to the vault, and it will not be possible to exchange them for free attempts.

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