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Next Free Fire update date in 2022

Next Free Fire update will take place in November 2022. Advanced Server will open days early. The Free Fire update is one of the most anticipated events by users, as it is the moment where Garena adds several new features to the APK , such as a new look , characters , skins and among others, this Monday, October 3rd, 2022 we will detail information about the upcoming FF maintenance.

The last Free Fire update in 2022 took place during the month of September , the OB36 version contains 3 themes , they are: Double Problem , Booyah Day and Halloween. In the OB36 version, the new Free Fire character called Tatsuya was also released , with an ability related to movement speed during Free Fire matches.

Date of Free Fire 2022 update

The next Free Fire update is expected to take place between the 15th or 16th of November 2022 , where the OB36 version will be updated to the OB37 version .

Garena has not commented on the matter so far, the information in this article is based on the end date of the current Ouro Royale and Contra Squad season.

Free Fire Advanced Server November 2022

The new Free Fire Advanced Server should be released at the beginning of November in 2022, the Advance Server anticipates the main news of the next update, such as new characters, new functions and more.

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