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Big update coming in WhatsApp; Chat search will be easy

WhatsApp is constantly introducing new features these days. Now according to a report, WhatsApp is once again working on a new feature called ‘search messages by date’. With the arrival of this feature, users will be able to search the chats according to the date.

According to a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp started working on this feature about 2 years ago. But later it was dropped. Now WhatsApp is working on this feature again and can roll it out to users in the coming time.

After the introduction of this feature, users will see a new “Calendar Icon” in the app. By tapping on it, you will be able to go directly to the chat of any date. Let us tell you that earlier WhatsApp has rolled out the update of emoji reaction, chat transfer and sending large files.

Apart from this, WhatsApp can introduce privacy features such as hiding your online status or the feature of silently leaving any group in the coming times with updates coming soon.

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