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Redmi Note 11T Pro caught fire, don’t forget this mistake

From electric vehicles to smartphones, many incidents of fire are coming to the fore. A few days ago, a woman died due to a blast in Redmi 6A. At the same time, a small girl from Bareilly lost her life due to the phone blast.

Now a case of explosion of another phone of Xiaomi has come to the fore. No one has died due to the blast of Redmi Note 11T Pro, but you will be shocked to see the blasted device in the viral video.

The case of explosion in the battery of Redmi Note 11T Pro is being told from China. In India, this phone has been rebranded as Redmi K50i and launched. In the video shared on TikTok, the phone’s screen and back panel are completely damaged.

The screen glasses are shattered. At the same time, everything is burnt except some part of the camera module in the back panel.

Last year, there were several incidents of the OnePlus Nord 2 smartphone being blasted. After which the company had to pay compensation to many users.

However, every time a smartphone explodes, it is not the fault of the device maker. Many times smartphones get blasted due to the fault of the users.

The main reason for the fire in the phone

  1. Most of the mobile phone blast cases come due to the mistake made while charging the phone. Due to leaving the smartphone or mobile phone in charge for a long time, the battery of the phone becomes hot and it catches fire or the battery explodes. Generally, people leave the phone in charge during the night, due to which the phone overheats and explodes.
  2. Not using a compatible charger in any electronic device such as a smartphone, laptop, etc. can also result in a short circuit in the phone and it can catch fire. Many times users charge with the charger of some other phone instead of the original charger of their mobile phone. Due to which the battery of the phone overheats and there is a risk of fire.
  3. At the same time, many times the charging port and charger of the mobile phone are kept in a damp place. Due to which there is a possibility of short circuit. Before putting the phone in charge, it must be checked that there is no moisture in the charging port. By doing this the phone electronic short circuit can be avoided.
  4. Never charge the battery more than 80 percent. Doing so will damage the battery. Also, the back panel of the phone overheats and catches fire.
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