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Confirmed Date and Price of Angelic Pants

One of the most coveted and most expensive items from the free fire will be back. The Angelica l Pants already has a confirmed date and event, check it out:

The angelic pants are confirmed to return on the Brazilian server on the 5th, so on January 5, 2021 she will be returning to the game.

The event that will bring the coveted pants will be the Magias Premiadas , the same one that brought it last time, on 07/07 of this year.


The last time the Angelic Pants returned to free fire, it was very expensive for most players, some even spent more than 50,000 diamonds .

However, other luckier ones with less than 100 diamonds got the pants.

The truth is that there is no fixed price for angelic pants, you can get it for 100 diamonds or you can spend 50 thousand and not earn it.


You can choose between two options to rotate the event. The first one, called “ Basic Summoning ” costs 40 diamonds. The second, “ Premium Summoning ” costs 240 diamonds, because it gives you a much better chance of winning the grand prize compared to the first.

It is possible to purchase an item called “ Stone of Destiny ” for 10 diamonds to increase the chance by 500%. This applies to both types of invocation.

NOTE:  The explanation of the functioning of the event was made based on a version of the event that has already come to the game, but there may be changes on the part of Garena.


This event uses pure luck as a merit, and has no established limit. Besides, of course, being considered one of the most stolen of Free Fire . Some people have already spent thousands of diamonds in search of the Angelic Pants, and have had no success.


If you enjoyed the Angelic Hunt, and are able to spend a lot on the event, go ahead. Now say it’s worth it, I don’t say no. On the one hand, the Angelic Hunt is likely to return again only in July 2021. So… in the end who decides what you do is up to you. We are only here to instruct you.

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