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Free Fire Desire Store – skins, date and more

This week Garena will launch the new edition of the Desire Store Free Fire , the event will start in the next few hours on the Indian server, this Sunday, October 2, 2022 we will detail information about the main rewards, date, duration and more.

The next Free Fire Desire Store will be launched this Monday, October 3, 2022 after 08:30 ( Indian time ), the last edition took place in the month of September.

The main rewards of the Free Fire Desire Store will be the “King of the Ring” (male) and “Pink Guardian” (male) packages.

Check the values of each spin (these values can be changed)

1 Spin = 9 Diamonds
2 Spins = 59 Diamonds
3 Spins = 199 Diamonds
4 Spins = 399 Diamonds
5 Spins = 399 Diamonds
6 Spins = 799 Diamonds

How the event works

Choose 1 of 6 awards in the main category and sub-category. After confirming the 2 prizes chosen there will be 6 items that can be obtained by spinning. The price of each spin will keep going up, but you have a chance to get the grand prize on the 1st spin and also a chance to get it on the last spin. The items you will receive on each spin will be deleted, this way the user will not win repeat prizes.

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