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Free Fire Launches Footwear with Rider

This Wednesday, August 10, 2022Garena in Brazil confirmed the launch of the new collection of Free Fire flip-flops with Rider , with models for adults and children, among the prints is the Angelic theme.


Garena , in partnership with Rider, a brand of the Grendene group , launches the new line of Free Fire flip -flops . Comprising four models, two adults and two children, the collection was developed to bring comfort and style to the Free Fire community.

The line has options for flip-flops or flip-flops, from sizes 23 to 44 , and comes with several designs available. While players who like to battle can take BOOYAH! on their feet, fans of the Free Fire brand can take flight with the wings of angelic pants.

The new models complement Ipanema’s line of flip-flops, launched in April 2022, and which also bring the Free Fire style to the feet of fans.

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