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Free Fire Max Characters Awaken news

Awakening is one of the favourite events of gamers, where Free Fire Max characters gain new looks and additional skills. Today, February 24, 2023, we will detail the information about the new edition of the event that may take place in the next few days.

Currently, 4 Free Fire Max characters have already awakened in the game, Kelly, Moco, Hayato and Andrew, they have gained an additional skill and a new design. To participate in the event, the character must have the skill in the passive category (as has happened so far), so there are no predictions for characters like Alok to evolve in Battle Royale.

Through a survey on the Indian server’s social networks, Garena asked users about which character they should awaken in Free Fire Max, among the suggestions are Maxim, Caroline, Rafael and others.

The results of the survey made by Garena, the characters Maxim and Caroline were the most mentioned by the users. Despite not having the confirmed date of the next Free Fire Max awakening, users believe that the new edition of the event will take place soon, due to the response to the survey.

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