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Free Fire MAX Moco Store | New Fist Skin and other rewards

Garena Free Fire Max is a multiplayer game that launched in 2021. The game is an updated version of Garena Free Fire and has become popular after the former’s ban in India. Players can get rewards such as weapons skins and characters to improve their gaming experience. The game became much more popular across the country when the Indian government banned PUBG Mobile. Every month Garena usually launches unlimited new Free Fire Max events on the Indian server.

One of the most popular events in Free Fire Max is Moco Store and gamers get opportunities to acquire some exclusive rewards. A new Moco Store event went underway with Ultimate Achiever Fist and many rewards. Moco Store rewards have two separate sections – Grand and Bonus prizes. The rewards include fist skins, gun skins, and two attractive bundles, the latter offers several emotes, backpacks, loot boxes, and more.

The new Moco Store will be launched on April 2, 2023. The Grand Prize section of the Moco Store features the following items:

Ultimate Achiever Fist
Fist Bump
Vector – Hypercore Blue
SPAS12 – Cosmic Teleportia
Candy Bounty Bundle
Rosy Grin Bundle

The Bonus Prize section of the Moco Store features the following items:

Challenge On
Bronze Horse
Golden Hand Loot
Portable Incubator
Purple Wings

Steps to get the grand prize from the Moco Store

Open the Free Fire Max and access the Moco Store section under Luck Royales. Click on the rewards that you wish to obtain from each of the two sections. Press the Confirm button and move to the next step. One item will be drawn with each spin, which means that you’re assured of the grand prize on the sixth spin. With every spin you make, the price will increase. As per the event’s rules, the cost of each spin for this event is 9, 19, 49, 99, 199, and 499 diamonds. The maximum cost of the Moco Store event is 874 diamonds.

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