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Elite Pass Free Fire Max in April 2023 | rewards and cost

Today, March 28, 2023, Garena confirmed the new edition of the Elite Pass, the next season of which will arrive on the Indian server soon with new skins, in this post we will list the information available so far, such as the date of release, major packages and more.

The new Free Fire Max Elite Pass will be launched next Saturday, April 1, 2023, more precisely after 08:30 am IST (Indian time), its 4th edition will replace the current “Tropa Biônica” pass. The main packages of the next Elite Pass in April are named “Paper Head” (male) and “Bobulhas do Booyah” (female).

The main package of the new elite Pass in April can be customized, as in other editions of the same. There will also be other skins for items like the loot box, backpack, resources and more.

Each Elite Pass season lasts for 1 month, and it is possible to earn rewards during this period by levelling up. Each Elite Pass season has a different theme with specific rewards. When upgrading to Premium or Premium Plus, it is possible to collect special items from the past. Level up by accumulating EXP, Every 100 EXP allows you to increase 1 Elite Pass level.

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