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Free Fire x Spiderman New Partnership Event

Today, May 23, 2023, Garena confirmed the new partnership of Free Fire with Spider-Man, the collaboration will take place during the month of June, the event should bring several items to game inspired by the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Free Fire’s new partnership with Spider-Man will be the first major Battle Royale event after the update, scheduled to take place next Wednesday (May 31). Through a statement on social networks, Garena revealed that the collaboration with the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will arrive soon.

Garena, “Get ready to go into action! Free Fire x Spider-Man partnership in an epic crossover. Get ready to embrace your inner hero. Shortly!”

The collaboration will take place at the same time that the movie “Spiderman: Through the Spider-Verse” will be available in theaters, the event will be released in India on June 1, 2023.

So far, Garena has not revealed which items will arrive at Free Fire in collaboration with Spider-Man. Over the next few days, new details about the collaboration between Free Fire and Spiderman will be confirmed.

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