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Free Fire New Update News | New Character, New Maps

Next week Garena will launch the new Free Fire update, after game maintenance the users will find several new features of the OB40 version. Today, May 22, 2023 we will list some of the changes that will occur in Free Fire.

The next Free Fire update will take place on June 1, 2023 on all Garena servers, maintenance must start at 8:30 am IST (Indian time), and is expected to end at 4:30 pm IST (Indian time).

Free Fire OB40 New Updates

  • New Character Sonia
  • Clash Squad Mode with 2 active skills
  • New season of Clash Squad
  • New features in the Gloo Creation Machine
  • New Skins in the Ranked Store
  • Awakening of Alok
  • New Collaboration
  • Changes in Character Skills
  • New Maps, Pets and Weapons

All the news listed in this article were taken from the Free Fire Advanced Server, if necessary, Garena will be able to make changes before the official launch.

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