In the next few days, Garena will launch the skin called “Traces of Redemption” on the Indian server, the package is the main customization of the current Free Fire event. Today, August 23, 2023, we will detail the available information.
The “Traces of Redemption” bundle will be released next Friday, August 25, 2023, at the “Token Royale” event, the information has been confirmed by Garena in India. The “Traces of Redemption” pack is part of the rare collection, which will display special effects on certain actions during matches.

How the event works
Token Royale contains 4 new skins, random prizes or tokens that can be exchanged for customizations. Each attempt at the event will cost diamonds, where users will be able to unlock main skins or tokens. It is worth remembering that the tokens collected at the event have an expiration date.