Are you change your footer Branding for wordprss !! 2 method !! Just follow the few step
Method 1:
step1: Go to your website login your admin dashboard into a wordpress. now go to menu and navigate Appearence>Theme Editor.

in this editor section find footer.php on right hand side and click to footer.php

Example: Candid Themes shown in image. I remove it and i want to edit and change name
click to update button . now refresh your website
Method 2:
Go to admin dashboard into wordpress. now navigate menu Plugins>Add New and search the plugin Real-Time Find and Replace.

and click to Install Now button and don’t forget to active this plugin click to Active
step2: Go to menu and navigate Tools>Real-Time Find and Replace

click to Add button

Now find your code which you want to edit and replace to with your code
Note: How to find your code to replace it ?? that’s a question . Go to your bottom of website. right click and select the Inspect and here is your code and find the what you want to edit the text. then copy the text and paste Find field into plugin . and into Replace field add your text

then click to Update Setting. go to your website and refresh it.
then click to Update Setting. go to your website and refresh it.