Today, June 3, 2023, Garena launched one of the new skins of the OB40 version of Free Fire. The ‘Hit Graffiti’ bundle is now available at the Stacking Awards event, in this post we will detail how it works and how to get this.
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The Stacking Awards event will be valid on the Indian server from June 5 to 13, 2023. The Hit Graffiti bundle is the main reward. The Hit Graffiti costume can be equipped on both male and female characters.

How the event works
The Stacking Awards event will be valid on the Indian server from June 5 to 13, 2023. The Hit Graffiti bundle is the main reward. The Hit Graffiti costume can be equipped on both male and female characters.
After entering the event, you will be able to try to collect prizes from the five rows of the prize page. You need to get the key on the current line to collect the line’s special prize and unlock the next line.

By collecting all prizes from the current line, it will be possible to unlock the next line. It is possible to choose between trying a line prize or releasing 1 line. If you choose to unlock 1 line, you will be able to collect all rewards from the current line and will receive discounts on the next attempt.
1st attempt: 20% off, 2nd try: 30% off, 3rd attempt: 25% off and 4th attempt: 20% off. The higher the stack line, the better prizes you can get.