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New Character Detective Clu And WOLFRAHH

New Character – Clu: Clu is a detective, and her “Delivering Gold” skill has the function of finding out the position of opponents who are not squatting or lying down. From level 4 onwards, it is possible to share this ability with teammates. now the main thing is that, who will hide down inside the grasses as their is no big grasses to hide under this.

 New character WOLFRAHH:- The ability of Wolfrahh is called Center of Attention , and it works as follows: reducing the damage of head shots, while the damage to the arms and legs of the enemy increases. If you have trouble giving the famous cover, this skill will be perfect for you.

There is only one confused thing in all of this. This description provided by Garena did not make it very clear whether the reduced headshot damage will be what you receive or if it will be the damage you do to enemies. Soon we will know. Now Comment Below That Which Character You Loved most in this latest Upcoming Update.

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