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New Infinite and Temporary custom Room Card in Free Fire

This Friday (03) the Garena presented a new custom room card Free Fire with the item users can create as many rooms you want in a period of 24 hours , our website brings with exclusivity in India the information launching it in other regions. So far the new Free Fire personalized room card is only available on other servers, Garena has not yet revealed when the item will arrive in India.

With the new personalized infinite room card, the user can create as many rooms as he wants, without the need to purchase another item.

Despite the infinite personalized rooms , the card has a maximum period for use, the item is valid for 24 hours .

In regions where the custom infinite room card is already available, it costs 500 Free Fire diamonds and each user can get a maximum of two units of the item .


The user who has a  personalized room card will be able to create a game in  Free Fire  only with invited players, for that it will be necessary to use a password.

In the  room  you can customize various game functions, thus making the game even more fun with unique competitions.

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