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New M1014 Incubator Knights of the Apocalypse confirmed free fire

Hey survivors, welcome back here again after a long time in free fire news website of Indian region and server. Today we are going to share you some exciting news of the upcoming incubator of M1014 skin based on the theme of Knights of the Apocalypse confirmed in free fire which will be active in game after 3 days from now, i.e. 13th of july.

The new Incubator will have the same theme as The RAMPAGE 2.0 event that started last month, the skins will be the same as the top 100 players will receive as according to their ranking in red tokens of the rampage event. The Incubator knights of Apocalypse will replace the present incubator  that arrived almost 1 month ago on our server.

ABout the incubator :- In this royale, players can get a certain package with several customizations, for that it is necessary to earn evolution  and  design stones , only with them the user will be able to collect one or more of the available skins.

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