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New Upcoming Bundles in free fire for free

This Weekend of September 2022Garena confirmed the launch of the first skins of the Double Problem event , the initial theme of the OB36 version , customizations will be available from this weekend on the Indian server. As we all know that the craze of free fire is going down day by day, hence garena is trying to provide so many events to grab the attention of the gamers back to the game.

The Grinza Raiders sets will be released soon in free fire with other free items at the Lights of Fate web-event , more precisely after 04:00 (Indian time ).

The Double Trouble event will bring the new Free Fire character , Tatsuya , to the APK , in addition to several other unpublished customizations.

How the Lights of Destination Free Fire web-event works

During the  Free Fire Luzes do Destino  event , players will be able to get discounts of up to  80%  in each round.

When accessing the web-event, users will have a  random discount  on the homepage, if it is not satisfactory, you must use 10 Free Fire  diamonds   to try to get a higher percentage.

When selecting the discount you can buy  a maximum of 3 items at a time , after making the purchase the percentage will go up or down at random, so the player must restart the procedure to acquire  3 more items in each round.

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