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26 Mar 2025, Wed

New Voice Chat Update in Free Fire

This week, Garena has introduced a new feature in Free Fire named “voice chat reporting.” The company aims to improve Battle Royale matches. On March 14, 2024, Thursday, we will explain how it works.

The Free Fire game launched a new reporting system for voice chat last Monday on the Brazilian server. This system will analyze bad behaviour and punish players who use the chat to offend others or do unauthorized things. Now, players can report others for these actions.

The system will punish players for their actions, like suspending them from using the microphone for 2 days, deducting honour points, or banning them from ranked matches. But players need to report the issue first using the new Free Fire system. During Free Fire matches, players can click on the sound icon and then on the player’s name to report unacceptable behaviour.

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