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Revive card in Free Fire!! 3 big changes In Update.

The Garena will be performing major changes in Free Fire from the month of February in 2021 , the company has comments on a new game engine after the new FF maintenance scheduled for this week, the highlight will be the new relive card will enter the game. Not all changes present in the new version of Free Fire will be available in ranked mode , while most will only be in classic mode so that players can test and give opinions.


From the next update, players will be able to call back their squad mates who have already been eliminated from the game in the game, for that it will be necessary to use the new item of the game called ” revive card “.

What is the Free Fire revive card? It is a kind of token in the form of a card, as well as other items already present in the game.

What is the Free Fire card for? Players will be able to use the revive card to bring friends back into the game.

How to get or get the card to revive on Free Fire? Users will be able to collect the revive card directly from the vending machine that will be in various locations on the map, the cost of each unit will be 4 tokens from the machine itself ( which can also be found on the map floor ).

How to use the revive card in Free Fire? After purchasing the item at the vending machine, players must open their backpack and click on the revive card, then choose which squad member already eliminated should return to the game.

Each card can be used only once , this information is based on the Free Fire Advanced Server , if necessary Garena can make changes to its mechanism at the official launch.


The personal UAV will be another novelty of the Free Fire 2021 update , the item is nothing more than a drone of its own for the player to use it wherever and whenever he wishes.

When using the personal UAV the user will be able to locate enemies that are nearby on the game map, the item will be available in the classic and ranked Free Fire mode .

This type of drone can only be obtained from the vending machine that will be spread over the Free Fire map.


For the first time it will be possible to log into Free Fire using the social network Twitter , the news was anticipated by Garena through the notes of the update .

It is worth remembering that this function currently works with other social networks.

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