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Say Goodbye to Scammers: A Deep Dive Into Whatsapp’s Latest Update

A Whatsapp Group Scam is when someone tricks you into giving them money or personal information by pretending to be part of a group chat on the messaging app Whatsapp.

Bad people are tricking people who use WhatsApp by making them join group chats. This can make their friends and family lose money. The bad people use fake phone calls, pictures, and names to trick people into joining their group.

These scammers trick people by giving them false advice about the stock market and pretending it’s accurate. They then convince the person to join a group of scammers who try to get them to believe in their scheme.

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Talking to other people makes the victim feel better and more confident. The scammers see that many people are interested in the conversation and it makes them feel more confident too. The scammers then offer a special account and software that is meant to trick the person.

These results trick people into thinking they are making a lot of money from their investments. Then the scammers ask for more money and take off with it, leaving the person with nothing.

The new Whatsapp Context Card feature will help keep you safe from scams by giving you more information about the messages you receive.

When you join a group on Whatsapp, you will see a special card with important information like who added you, when the group was made, and more. This card helps you decide if the group is safe to join or if it might be a scam. It’s like a helpful guide to make sure you stay safe while using Whatsapp.

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