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New P-90 Weapon Royale Of Plan Bermuda in free fire

Wednesday is the day of the themed sub-machine gun from La Casa de Papel arriving at weapon Royale. Its name was defined as ” P90 – Plan Bermuda “, as well as most…

Money Heist Event Calendar released in free fire

Ever since the teaser of the collaboration between Free Fire and Money Heist dropped on 29th July, the players were eagerly waiting and excited for the events that would be added to…

Money Heist All Bundles And Backpack, Car Skins Free Fire

Starting next Sunday (06/08), the event that will open the partnership between Free Fire and La Casa de Papel is already giving something to talk about. Today, a small update of about 15mb…

Money Heist Bundle In Free Fire Full Detail

The Bermuda Free Fire Plan is what the Free Fire and LCDP partnership will be called , it has a date to start and will be on September 6, 2020 according to Garena herself on foreign servers, several items of the game will…

New September Elite Pass with Discount.

The elite Free Fire pass of September 2020 will be called “ Battle of the Streets ”, it will officially arrive next Tuesday (01) , however, the pre-sale of the elite pass will start this Saturday (29) with the skin of…

Elite Pass At 90% Discount In free fire

As I Promised You before that Elite Pass will be arrived at 90% Off and it is arrived today after a long interval of time. So Please Go and Subscribe…

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