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28 Mar 2025, Fri

Tesla robots are taking over the world | Big breaking news

We are slowly moving towards a world dominated by technology, with man-made robots taking on various tasks such as medicine and social services. Recently, Many technology experts around the world have called robots a threat to humans.

Recently, reports surfaced about an incident in 2021 where an employee at Tesla’s Giga Texas factory was attacked by a robot. The quick response of a colleague saved his life. Surprisingly, Tesla managed to keep this incident under control for two years. You must have seen in ‘The Terminator’ film series, how a robot created by humans becomes a threat to humans.

According to the reports, the engineer was working at Tesla’s Austin factory in Texas when a malfunctioning robot attacked him. The robot became quite dangerous when it threw the engineer on the floor and pinned his hand on his back. Another employee present on the spot showed his presence of mind and pressed the emergency button, due to which he was able to free himself from the robot’s grip and his life was saved.

In response to the news, Elon Musk issued a statement refusing the claims. Musk wrote on X, “The media should be ashamed for making a big deal of a minor incident involving an industrial Kuka robot two years ago. The robot behaved exactly as it was programmed to do. The engineer may have mistakenly believed the robot was switched off when it was not.”

This incident has fueled the ongoing debate regarding the safety and potential risks associated with the increasing use of robots in various industries. Despite Musk’s denial of the severity of the situation, it raises questions about the need for strict safety measures and increased transparency in the integration of robots into workplaces.

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