In this Friday, March 12, 2021 the Garena revealed what will be the new skin anime Attack on Tiran to be launched in India , it is the package ” Titan attack ” directly at the ” Spells Awarded ” Free Fire , learn how to work and among other information.

The event “ Magias Premiadas ” Free Fire will be available on our server next Tuesday ( 16 ) after 04h ( Indian time ), the information was confirmed by the company.

The main package will be the skin called “ Attack Titan ”, this is the 3rd main customization of the new Garena partnership to arrive on our server.
See below how the Free Fire Awarded Spells event works :

There are 2 types of summons (chances) to get the event items, the Basic Summons and the Premium Summons , all of which will require Free Fire diamonds .
The Invocation Premium will give more chances to the user win the grand prize .
- Basic invocation : low chance – you can use the magic bonus to add up to 220% chances ( based on the previous edition ).
- Premium invocation : high chances – use the higher value option to further increase your chances at the event.
- Lucky stone : use this magic bonus to increase the chances in the event, the bonuses are not cumulative.