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Top 5 changes In Free Fire OB-33 Update

Free Fire’s OB33 Advance Server was launched a few days ago and has brought a lot of changes to the current version of Free Fire. While not all of them would be added to the actual release of OB33, there are 5 things that definitely would be in the new patch. In this article, we are going to showcase the 5 most notable changes in Free Fire Advance Server OB33.

1. New ‘Mystery Character’ with a shield ability like Chrono

Looks like Garena is implementing more shield characters into Free Fire now that Chrono’s ability has been reworked. The new mystery character has a skill named “Swordman’s Wrath” that erects a barrier similar to a gloo wall. The wall is effective against weapon damage and reduces it instead of blocking like Chrono’s shield.

Mystery Character
Mystery Character

However, this skill has a huge weakness of getting disabled if the player fires a single shot from their weapon. With all the drawbacks and an underwhelming effect, Garena would definitely need to buff it on the actual OB33 release.

2. Two new weapons: G36 and F2000

Garena has been adding a lot of new weapons into the game as of late, with at least one new gun every OB patch. OB33 is going to have 2 new AR, the G36 and the F2000.


Overall, these weapons are going to bring huge changes to the usual Free Fire formula. The G36 is going to be the second weapon with two fire modes, which increase versatility. On the other hand, the F2000 is going to be the next newbie-friendly gun, with its balanced stats and stability.

3. Buffs to useless characters

Free Fire’s early character skills are very badly designed. Older characters like Nikita are weak and useless compared to the newer ones like Skyler. This is why Garena has been trying to change their skills for the better in OB33.

Nikita in OB33
  • A124’s heal is changed into an active ability that disables enemies’ skill activation and interrupts their interaction countdown.
  • Nikita’s ability now works on all weapons and has another extra bonus.
  • Steffie’s skill now blocks projectiles such as throwables and restore armor durability
  • Rafael’s passive is even more effective now.

4. New axolotl pet

Garena usually adds some really unique ability to each pet, and the new axolotl pet Zasil is not an exception. He has a skill called ‘Extra Luck’, which gives the player a chance to acquire a new consumable (medkit, inhaler or repair kit) every time they use one on the battlefield.

New axolotl pet Zasil
New axolotl pet Zasil

While this skill might seem to be overpowered, it is not. Players need to consume an item to get one extra, and there is a 2-minute cooldown on top of that. It is unlikely that Zasil would replace Waggor.

5. Zombie Invasion mode

Zombie modes are always popular in shooter games, and Free Fire’s zombie invasion is going to be the same. It is going to be a players-vs-players-vs-enemies mode, with players fighting both the enemy team and zombies during the match. This is likely to be very entertaining, as dealing with two enemies at the same time require both tactical and gameplay skill.

Players can also select a special perk at the start of each round, which makes the experience more enjoyable.

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