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World’s first ever 32 GB Ram smartphone is launching

RAM is operable to perform any task on a personal computer or smartphone. But in most cases, 8 GB RAM is more than necessary for daily use or basic tasks. Even for gaming or video editing, 16 GB of RAM is usually enough. But recently smartphone makers have started offering 24GB RAM in flagship models and are planning to increase the amount of RAM in future devices. A trusted source claims that after 24 GB, the phone with 32 GB RAM may be launched in the market soon.

A trusted news revealed that 32GB of RAM is already being tested for the smartphone. The news did not reveal which brands are preparing to launch handsets with this amount of RAM. But looking at the previous trends, it can be guessed that it could be Realme or OnePlus. This smartphone brand already launched smartphones with massive 24GB RAM, among which the Red Magic 8S Pro was the first. Besides, OnePlus S2 Pro and Realme GT5 also have this huge RAM.

When the news of using 24 GB RAM in smartphones was first heard, it was thought that it could be useful in some cases. As such, users can benefit from having such a large amount of RAM in foldable smartphones, as these devices are productive gadgets, designed to perform multiple tasks at the same time. 24 GB RAM can also be useful in gaming smartphones. But don’t expect to see any very high-performance improvements.

But now, the news of the phone having 32GB RAM raises questions about its usability. For now, a phone doesn’t need that much RAM, as most tasks can be done with less capacity RAM. 32GB of RAM is considered ‘overkill’ even on a personal computer, which is usually more powerful than a phone. Video editors and those working on high-end VFX might need 32 GB of RAM on a PC, but this amount of RAM is unnecessary on a smartphone.

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