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Top 5 ways to reduce AC Bills

Overuse of air conditioners (ACs) comes with high electricity bills. However, there are several ways to reduce the pressure on the pocket by reducing AC bills. So, without worrying about the bill in this intense heat, know about 5 ways to keep the AC bill low to enjoy comfort.

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Install a programmable thermostat for your AC. This will reduce your electricity bill significantly. Programmable thermostats can control the AC’s temperature according to a pre-set schedule. For example, you can automatically keep the house temperature at 20 degrees during the day when it’s hot, and automatically bring it down to 25 degrees after midnight and back to 20 degrees at 7 am.

You don’t need to set the temperature manually again and again. You can even switch off the AC automatically at your preferred time with programmable thermostats. But one thing should be noted, keeping the temperature above 25.5 degrees Celsius will save you more money. So try to keep the temperature in the thermostat above 25.5 degrees Celsius most of the time.

Keep the place in front of the AC clean

Make sure that the area in front of your AC vents is not blocked by furniture or other obstructions. Because you don’t want to pay to keep your furniture cool. If there is more resistance you will naturally need less cooling and you will therefore lower the temperature. As a result, you will spend more money. So keep space between the vent and your location.

Clean the filters

AC has to spend extra energy to cool the room if the filter gets too dirty. Which affects the electricity bill. So, take out the filter and clean it with a washcloth at least once a month.

Control of heat generating equipment

Keep heat-generating machines like lamps, computers and televisions away from your AC room. The heat generated from these can confuse the cooling systems and cause harm to run for longer periods.

Close the loophole

If there are gaps in the room, cold air escapes and due to this the AC has to work with more energy consumption. Which is responsible for higher bills. So try to keep the cool air in your room after paying so much of your own money. For this, properly seal or close dryer vents, indoor pipes, electrical outlets, windows and doors. In addition to the cold summer air, the warm winter air will remain inside.

Use of fan with AC

Use a ceiling fan with your AC. By doing this, the cold air will quickly spread throughout the room. By using the AC and ceiling fan at the same time, you can raise the AC temperature to 5 degrees in auto mode. This will reduce the additional cost caused by AC cooling alone. But make sure your fan runs clockwise. This will cause the ceiling fan to push the cold air down.

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