This Saturday (24) the community can win the biggest prize of the event “Day BOOYAH Free Fire” , the Garena will be releasing several items with the same theme and the store with the main skin is unlocked, learn how to complete all the challenges of this final week. The biggest prize of the Free Fire event will be the “ Princess Skull ” skin , the package is available in the exchange store that will be released until tomorrow, if the players reach the goal of 30 billion BOOYAHs . ( Update: the skin has already been released this Friday 23 )

Check out the items that players can get for free on Free Fire at the peak of “ BOOYAH Day ”:

- Princess Skull : 150 crown tokens will be needed to collect all pieces of the “Princess Skull” skin in the event store.
- Decline skin when logging in .

- Crystal Dragon Token : log in to Free Fire from October 24th to November 1st to earn 3 tokens that can be used to evolve the “Fire Dragon” Free Fire skin .
- Prince Skull Mask : by eliminating enemies in the game during Free Fire matches you can collect “BOOYAH Tokens” tokens in the loot boxes, then exchange for the “Prince Skull” mask.

- Complete matches : on October 25th users will win a shirt skin and more items when completing 20 matches in the game.
- Gold and fragments : throughout the 24th of October players will triple win gold and fragments after Free Fire matches.
- Sweet BOOYAH Token : Collect more “ sweet BOOYAH Yellow ” tokens through the sculptures that will be spread across the map.