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Changes In Crono’s Ability: now you can’t fire outside.

The next Free Fire update in 2021 will only take place in April and a good part of the community is already waiting for some changes , such as changes in the CR7’s ability , this Monday (01) our Free Fire Tournament page and  website will present 13 news that users wait in the game. All items mentioned in this article are only suggestions from the community , so far Garena has not commented on the topics, except for CR7 , the survey was sent to the company in India.

The main novelty awaited by the community would be the possible ” nerf ” in Crono’s ability in Free Fire , that is, the weakening of the character’s advantages in the game.

During the month of January we carried out another research on how the Crono should look on Free Fire , the conclusion was: to prevent enemies from entering the “bubble” and at the same time the character could not cause damage to other users while in the “bubble” , because the shield would not allow anything to enter or leave it.

Through social networks Garena commented that soon we will have good news about this, as the company is reporting the community’s comments on Crono to the developers , however, changes like this take some time to materialize.


The next Free Fire update in 2021 is scheduled to take place on April 13 , where the OB26 version of the APK will be replaced by the OB27 version . It is worth remembering that this is only a forecast and Garena can make changes at any time.

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