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Changes In Ranked Matches After Season End-S21

The 21st season of the ranked Free Fire will start from next week with several new features, in addition to an unprecedented feature the community will be able to count on a new map, know what will be their new patent and among other information. The new season of the ranked Free Fire will start next Friday (07) after 04h or 06h ( Indian time ), where all users will automatically descend from patent.

One of the big changes will be the arrival of the Bermuda 2.0 map in the ranking , so far it is only available in Contra Squad or classic mode .

In addition, the system to bring friends back to the match will be implemented in ranked mode , this novelty was first tested on the Free Fire Advanced Server .

It is worth remembering that only the standard Free Fire ranking will be restarted, without interference in Clash Squad .


See below how your ranking will look at the beginning of the  21st  Free Fire season :

  • Finished in  Heroic/Grandmaster  – Begins in  Gold II ;
  • Finished in  Diamond  – Begins in  Gold I ;
  • Finished in  Platinum  – Starts in  Silver II ;
  • Finished in  Gold  – Begins in  Silver I ;
  • Finished in  Silver  – Starts in  Bronze II ;
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