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Cricketers’ reaction after Deepti Sharma run-out Charlotte Dean

Deepti Sharma ran Charlie Dean out at the non-striker’s end to get the last wicket and ensure India a clean sweep in the ODI series against England on Saturday. Here is how the England cricketers reacted to Dean’s run-out.

With just 16 runs left to get, England, through Dean and last batter Freya Davies were in touching distance of a come-from-behind win, when Deepti showed great presence of mind to spot Dean backing up too much and to run her out.

Law 41.16, which pertains to the “Non-striker leaving his/her ground early,” states: “If the non-striker is out of his/her ground at any time from the moment the ball comes into play until the instant when the bowler would normally have been expected to release the ball, the non-striker is liable to be run out.”

England Cricketers Reaction –

Indian Cricketers Reaction

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