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Crono(CR7) Will Be Removed From Free Fire Soon? know more

In this new update to Garena will launch a new item in Free Fire called ” biochip “, it contains the Jai character skill that was recently removed from the game, with this , the community has begun to speculate that it may occur with the CR7 soon, in this post we will detail the reasons. The OB30 version of Free Fire brought several changes to the characters’ abilities , including the CR7 which gained a new nerf on shield duration , speed and bubble cooldown.

To publicize these changes, Garena has not used the image of Chrono in the banners , only the “ shadow ” of the character, our team verified it on several servers and the fact was repeated in all regions , in Brazil not even the “ shadow ” of the same it’s in the release images.

With recent nerfs and the fact that the company is no longer using Chrono’s image , many users already believe that the character may soon leave the game , however, his ability would still be available in the store through the “biochip”, as well as the Jai.

If the character is removed, users who already have it will continue with it, without changes.


Attention! So far Garena has not commented on a possible removal of the character CR7 in Free Fire , the information in this article is based on the current opinion of the community.

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