The Easter is an event that is usually celebrated on Free Fire , this year the date is celebrated on April 4 , yet the Garena has not yet revealed when it will start our server, meanwhile new skins with the theme are being launched in other servers. In 2020 the Garena eventually presented the community with Magic Cube fragments Free Fire during the Easter event, the item was ” dropping ” after the matches and was one of the main awards.
Another major milestone at Easter events was the arrival of the “ Coelhão ” Free Fire customization in 2019 , one of the favorite skins of a large part of the community.

Now in 2021 it is already possible to see what some of the Easter themed packages will be like the female skin “ Coelha Tech ” Free Fire , there is also a male version with the same style. Possibly there will be a new version of the customization ” Cosmic Bunny “, also known as ” astronaut pack “.