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End of the flying hack on Free Fire in 2021, learn more

In this Tuesday, February 23, 2021 the Garena issued a new statement about hackers in Free Fire , the company said it has developed a new way to detect and remove the hack flying game. In a note Garena reveals that for 6 months the company looked for a way to solve the flying hack on Free Fire , now after the new update of the game the number of hackers has decreased significantly.


“ What is a flying hack?

The flying hack allows hackers to float in the air and take advantage of the height difference to create an unfair advantage.

How do we act?

In mid- 2020 , we noticed that some players found flying hacks in the game, severely affecting their experience in the game, we immediately acted and started investigating.

After discovering their hacking methods, we reinforced our anti-hack measures to stop them. At the same time, hackers were also adjusting their hacks to defeat our anti-hack strategy.

After continually insisting against the hack developer for six months, we have successfully developed a tracking detection method for the flying hack, the hack function has already been eliminated after the release of the new patch . After implementing the new strategy, the number of hacks in the game dropped significantly.

We will continue to update our anti-hack system to build and maintain a fair gaming environment for all players. We appreciate your support and your reports on hackers on Free Fire. ”

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