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Free Fire 17.0 Mystery Shop: check out the event items

This Friday (13) the Garena confirmed Mystery Shop Free Fire 17.0 in the Indian server, the new edition of the event for the month of August will start from next week, the main skins are the packages already launched previously. The Mystery shop Free Fire 17.0 will be released next Friday (20 or may be 21) after the 00h or 04h ( GMT ), the last edition of the event took place in the month of June and brought the pass card .

This time the Free Fire elite pass card will not be present in Mystery shop 17.0 , if Garena brings this item again, it will be at another web-event near the end of the month.

The main skins for the Mysterious Free Fire Store for August will be the “ Trap Brabo ” ( male ) and “ Trap Zika ” ( female ) skin packs , both of which customizations were released in 2020 .


Players will have the chance to get  huge discounts and exclusive items  in the store, after every purchase the skins will be automatically sent to the vault. When entering the store you will have one of the main skins already selected, to change it just click on the ‘change’ option.

It is necessary to spend enough diamonds (at the automatically stipulated goal) for the  grand prize to  be unlocked (the amount spent here will not be deducted from the main package).

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