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Free Fire Booyah Day Event:- All About Event

Next week Garena will kick off the BOOYAH Free Fire 2021 Day event in several regions, version 2.0 will be one of the last updates before the next update , in this post we’ll detail information about the new BOOYAH themed skins , dates and more. The BOOYAH Free Fire 2.0 Day event is scheduled to start on Friday (12), the information was confirmed by the company through the last weekly calendar.

The peak of the event is scheduled for the 20th of November , this is the date when Garena releases the main rewards to users. The BOOYAH Free Fire 2020 Day event took place during the month of October , in 2021 the same will happen in November. In this new edition of the Day BOOYAH Free Fire 2.0 to Garena will bring new skins for characters , surfboard , parachutes , vehicle , mask , pan , backpack , resources and others.

The main skins of the event are called Madame Sirena ( female ) and General Skull ( male ), in addition there will be another brand new skin pack that can be customized by users, such as colors and animations .


Our website Free Fire Club will be providing complete coverage of the BOOYAH Free Fire Day in 2021 event , over the next few days more information will be released by the company.

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