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Get Alok Character in 199 Diamonds in free fire

Hey Survivors, I hope you all are Doing Well and enjoying free fire events. During some previous days gamers asked us to give discounts to alok character so that all the players don’t have alok can also fill their vault with alok too. so for that, for the first time free fire is giving heavy discount on alok character for you all guys.

The Alok is, surely, the main character of today’s Free Fire , since his arrival on November 11, 2019, has not yet released any other with such skill in the game. Next August 22 is Free Fire’s birthday and on August 26, Alok’s birthday , thinking about it, Garena will bring the character with a 67% discount in the store, for all players.

Recently, we made a poll on our twitter , where about 25% of people answered that they still don’t have the character Alok in their account.

Despite the information not being released by Garena, Free Fire Mania found that the character Alok with a discount will arrive on August 19, next Wednesday, worth 199 diamonds .

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