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Glider Will Be Back In Rank Match confirmed

According to the official note posted by Garena BR on Twitter, the Glider is not being permanently removed from the ranking. It turns out that they are working on a way to make it more compatible with the mode (or in general), in addition to fixing their famous infinite flight bug, of course. so Don’t think that Survivors who hide in factory roof will be safe after the ban of glider because it will be back after sometimes of correction.

These changes that the Glider will undergo have not yet been dated, but we can hope that this will take a while. What worries me most is that they try to adjust the glider too much, and end up making it gloomy and not fun. I think it was enough to put a time interval in order to be able to use the Glider again, and decrease the time that it is in the air gliding. Perhaps this would already solve some problems, depending on the way it was worked. The way is to wait to know how it will look! Did you like this news?

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