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Grenade timer, jump higher, and more on OB-24 Free Fire

In three days, the newest Free Fire update, OB-24 , will be applied to the game. This means that we will have new features, changes, balance, skins, and everything that a good update is capable of doing in a game. Some of these things that await us, did not arrive at the last Advanced Server , but were disclosed yesterday by Garena. We are talking about 3 functions, which when added, can make a big difference in matches. New strategies will emerge with your arrival.

1 – Active Skills

It will now be possible to see the duration of an active skill through a timer icon. The same is already true for the button when you use it, and you need to wait for time to reload.

2 – Prepare a grenade

This one was not very clear, but apparently, it will be possible to control the detonation time of a grenade from the OB-24. Imagine how insane.

3 – Team boost

Are you the type of person who in childhood needed the help of a friend to jump over a wall, or climb up high, with the famous “little foot”? Because if so, this function will cheer you up.

In OB-24 it will also be possible to jump higher with the help of a teammate. What was not evident is whether we will have a new button for this, or if we will still need the traditional jump button to perform the action.

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