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Discount Wheel: buy the Free Fire Elite Pass for up to 9 diamonds

This month’s Elite Pass did not come in the Mystery Shop, but will come in the Wheel of Discount event. Who confirmed, and released the information, was Garena herself on her official Twitter account. And it is on the 22nd of September that this will happen. If you are very lucky, you can get a pass for up to 9 diamonds , which is considerably easy to obtain. Even on the trees that players place on the Home Island before a match, without even reloading.

Event Rules

  1. When accessing the event, you will need to run to get a discount;
  2. You can buy one of the available items or change all the prizes;
  3. After purchasing a rotated discount item, you must rotate the wheel again to get the next discount;
  4. If you spin enough to receive discounts, you can get all the discounts on the wheel;
  5. When you get all the discounts, the wheel will reset;
  6. The first 5 updates are free. After that, each update will cost 10 diamonds;

Everything indicates that the event will also have a main skin as an item in addition to the Elite Pass, but we don’t know which one. The way is to wait and see.

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