3-Minute Exercise Routine: Quick Health Boost for All Ages
Physical activity benefits people of all ages, and a recent study on 30,000 participants found that those who engaged in evening exercise, particularly for three minutes, had a significantly reduced risk of early death from heart disease.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Reports suggest you can improve your health with just three minutes of exercise. High-Intensity Interval Training, which gained popularity during the pandemic, allows you to achieve maximum workout benefits in minimal time. Here’s a quick HIIT routine to try:
Exercise Routine
1 Star Jumps (30 seconds)
Begin with star jumps to warm up your body and raise your heart rate.
2 Bodyweight Squats (30 seconds)
Activate your lower body with bodyweight squats.
3 Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)
Engage your core muscles with mountain climbers, completing a mini HIIT set. Take a 20-second break between rounds and repeat.
Cardio Exercises
1 Burpees (30 seconds)
This full-body exercise combines a squat, jump, and plank. Do as many burpees as possible.
2 High Knees (30 seconds)
Run in place, lifting your knees as high as you can.
3. Skipping (30 seconds)
Wrap up the circuit with skipping. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat three rounds.
Core Exercises
- Core Plank (30 seconds)
Strengthen your core muscles by holding a plank. - Russian Twist (30 seconds)
Sit slightly leaned back with bent legs, and twist to touch the floor on each side. - Leg Raises (30 seconds)
Lie on your back, lift your legs up to your chest, and hold. Take a 20-second break between rounds and repeat three times.
This routine is simple, can be done almost anywhere, and gives you a quick yet effective workout.