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New weapons: Carapina, Parafal and Flamethrower in free fire

Carapina, Parafal and Flamethrower. These are the new weapons that arrived on the Advanced Server today. And although we have already talked a little more about two of them, we came back to clarify some things.

M21 Carapina

When we released the name of one of the weapons like M21 Woodpecker , we based it on its name that was originally in English within the archives (Woodpecker). It was somewhat evident that her name would be different when translating into our language (Portuguese), and now we know that it will be called “ M21 Carapina ” here. * Carapina can be equipped with: silencer, gun mouth, grip, bipod, and cartridge. Comes with a 4x coupled that cannot be replaced. Other specifications not available.


Parafal , on the other hand , as it is a weapon native to our country (which is even the first in the game of Brazilian origin), had its name kept, without any type of translation. However, these two are not the only new weapons.* ParaFAL can be equipped with: muffler, gun handle, bipod, cartridge, and sight. Other specifications not available.


Upon entering the training island of the striker, we had a surprise. Exploring the arsenal, we came face to face with a pistol called: Flamethrower . Like other smaller weapons, it can be equipped in the tertiary slot (even though the Crossbow is).

The flamethrower is a short-range, fire-breathing weapon. With its high armor penetration, it is deadly to vehicles, glo walls, and other players. It has the amount of 200 unique and own ammunition.

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